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About rKnowledge

rKnowledge is the result of relentless research endeavours under the direction of Dieter F. Kogler towards the factors and contexts that foster knowledge production and innovation processes spanning multiple projects that have involved numerous collaborators.  The original point of departure was the development of the “Knowledge Space” methodology over a decade ago.  Since then the framework and approach that aims to investigate the evolution of scientific and technological knowledge in space, the socio-economic dynamics that drive these processes, how research and innovation translates into progress and growth, and how these research insights can be utilized for “smart” policy-making and assist investment decisions has been refined and tested in many localities, sectors and environments.

While the rKnowledge Dashboard only provides insights into the configuration and potential of regional knowledge spaces, the methodology has also been adapted and testes for organizations, national economies, and specific industry and technology sectors.  If you have questions about this, or would like to hear more and receive advise on specific challenges in your region or entity, please get in touch with us at info@rknowledge.org.

About the Founder

Dieter F.Kogler headshoot MAR2019

Dieter F. Kogler is the founder and academic director of the UCD Spatial Dynamics Lab. He is an Associate Prof. in Economic Geography at the School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy at University College Dublin. His research focus is on the geography of innovation and evolutionary economic geography, with particular emphasis on knowledge production and diffusion, and processes related to technological change, innovation, and economic growth.

He recently was an ERC Starter Grant holder and an Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Science Policy Research Programme awardee. The ERC project titled: Technology Evolution in Regional Economies (TechEvo) had the objective to produce a series of economic indicators, models and tools which will enable firms and policy makers, across Europe, to make more informed and better location-based investment decisions to boost innovation and drive regional prosperity. The SFI Science-Technology Space (SciTechSpace) project pursued similar objectives, but with particular focus on recombinant knowledge production and in particular how science-technology linkages along with funding has on the evolution thereof.

Dieter also serves as an Editor of Regional Studies, the Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, is a member of the Economic Geography and Progress in Economic Geography Editorial Board and is a founding editor of the Springer “Economic Geography” book series. He also recently organized and hosted the Global Conference on Economic Geography, Dublin 2022.

His career path combines professional, education and research experience acquired in Europe, the United States, and Canada within a variety of areas pertaining to the spatial analysis of socio-economic phenomena. For further information regarding ongoing projects, collaborations, and an overview of publications, refer to: https://people.ucd.ie/dieter.kogler. For a detailed listing of Dieter’s publications see his Google Scholar page, and for announcements visit his LinkedIn or X (a.k.a. twitter) profiles.